Auntie Stella was produced by Training and Research Support Centre (Zimbabwe)
Box CY2720,
Causeway, Harare,
Phone: 263-4-795124

What are the different ways of using Auntie Stella?

There are a number of different ways of using the ‘Auntie Stella’ letters and replies. You can look at them on your own or, to make it more fun, you can do it with a partner or a small group of friends.
Try these four ways of using the cards:
Basic method: choose a letter from the topics list, read it, and discuss the Talking Points. Then click on Auntie Stella’s reply. Don’t miss out on doing the Action Points after the reply since they help you put into action, individually and collectively, what you have learnt.
Pair reply: This builds self-confidence and increases decision-making skills. Working in pairs, read a question card and its Talking Points and then write your reply together. When you are finished, compare and discuss your answer with Auntie Stella’s reply, and do the Action Points.
Writing your own letters: Working individually, write a letter to Auntie Stella. When you’ve finished writing, put your letters in a bag. Take turns in small groups to read a letter aloud. The group then discusses what to reply.
Special themes: Click here to find out how to use ‘Auntie Stella’ according to 10 different themes.
If you want more detail on how to use ‘Auntie Stella’ we suggest you download the Auntie Stella Facilitator’s and Adaptation Guide.